Looking for assistance with assembling panels or selecting speakers?

Here’s what I’ve done recently!

National podcast on how assessment will grow entrepreneurship education

ICSB webinar on ESHIP - how can academics & pracademics work together with ecosystem builders

Global ICSB/CEEC conference presentation “Why Healthy Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Matter to Entrepreneurship Educators and Researchers”

Academy of Management research webinar on entrepreneurial ecosystems [slides]


Brazil - Best practices from the best programs in entrepreneurship education: Lessons anyone can use! [http://egepe.org.br/]

Virtual Academy of Management [August] presentations on ecosystems, entrep mindset/neuroentrepreneurship & assessment, possibly neurodiversity

Denmark - panel discussion on assessing impact of entrepreneurship training plus workshops for research and on ecosystem building

Uruguay - how to grow great entrepreneurship educators (for www.CogniValley.com)

Virtual ICSB/IPAG - presentations likely on neuroentrepreneurship, ecosystems



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